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Installing refgenie

Install refgenie from GitHub releases or from PyPI with pip:

  • pip install --user refgenie: install into user space.
  • pip install --user --upgrade refgenie: update in user space.
  • pip install refgenie: install into an active virtual environment.
  • pip install --upgrade refgenie: update in virtual environment.

See if your install worked by calling refgenie -h on the command line. If the refgenie executable in not in your $PATH, append this to your .bashrc or .profile (or .bash_profile on macOS):

export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH

Initial configuration

If you're using refgenie for the first time you'll need to initialize your genome folder and configuration file. Just select a folder where you want your genome assets to live, and then try:

refgenie init -c genome_folder/genome_config.yaml

The refgenie commands all require knowing where this genome config file is. You can pass it on the command line all the time (using the -c parameter), but this gets old. An alternative is to set up the $REFGENIE environment variable like so:

export REFGENIE=/path/to/genome_config.yaml

Refgenie will automatically use the config file in this environmental variable if it exists. Add this to your .bashrc or .profile if you want it to persist for future command-line sessions. You can always specify -c if you want to override the value in the $REFGENIE variable on an ad-hoc basis.

Listing assets

Now you can use the refgenie list command to show local assets (which will be empty at first) or the listr command to show available remote assets:

refgenie list
refgenie listr

Populate some assets

Next you need to populate your genome folder with a few assets. You can either pull existing assets or build your own. Refgenie will manage them the same way. As an example, let's pull a bowtie2 index for a small genome, the human mitochondrial genome (it's called rCRSd, the "Revised Cambridge Reference Sequence" on our server).

refgenie pull rCRSd/bowtie2_index

You can also read more about building refgenie assets.

Seeking assets

Use the refgenie seek command to get paths to local assets you have already built or pulled. For example, the one we just pulled:

refgenie seek rCRSd/bowtie2_index

Or, more generally:

refgenie seek GENOME/ASSET

That's it! Explore the HOW-TO guides in the navigation bar for further details about what you can do with these functions.

Managing server subscriptions

Refgenie populates the server list with by default. In case you want to pull assets from other servers, which may serve a different set of assets, refgenie provides a command line access to the genome_servers entry in the config file. Current list of server subscriptions is displayed by refgenie list command.

Add new server

Use the refgenie subscribe command to add an additional refgenieserver instance to the config file:

refgenie subscribe -s

This will append the provided argument to the current list of subscriptions. To start a new one, use -r/--reset flag:

refgenie subscribe -s -r

Remove server

Use the refgenie unsubscribe command to remove refgenieserver instance from the config file:

refgenie unsubscribe -s